Monday, April 20, 2009

The Top 10 Reasons...

Why Barack Obama Scares Me More than Anyone who Ever Lived!

Disclaimer: I do not hate President Obama. As with Bush II and WJ Clinton, I want to like him. But as with his predecessors, he makes it challenging. Much more challenging. I DO NOT DISLIKE OBAMA but I do fear him and his zombie followers.

10 Quick Reasons to fear Obama:

1.The weird, bizarre, mind-numbing, cultish aspect of all things Obama.
The Obama followers are not stupid but they are cultish in a creepy Jonestown kind of way.

2.The gross preferential treatment given to Obama by the media fat cats.
We have witnessed the death of journalism as it was long defined and long practiced.

3.As a corollary to #2, the insidious elitism of the Obamatists. [I differentiate between the clever leaders, the Obamatists and the not so clever followers, the Obatamicized.]

4.The triumph of style over substance.
Some of these reasons overlap. This is inseperable from #1, #2, and #3 but it deserves special mention nonetheless.

5. The skillful and sinister application of the race/not race/race/not race/race/not race/race/not race card.

6.The deliberate stupification of America by the news media.

7.The deliberate stupification of America by public education.

8.The deliberate stupification of America by academia.

9.The triumph of forces who dislike the premise of a distinctive American culture.

10.The triumph of forces who hold Western Europe as the template that America must replicate.

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