Monday, April 20, 2009

Oh and Reason # 11

Reason # 11 to Fear Obama and his Followers


It is funny but sad that a generation who considers itself so amazingly media savvy could fall for such cheap deception.

First, a video that offers no commentary.

Then we get Chris Matthews providing The Rock Star Explanation.

Medved is a bit more skeptical.

I hate to agree with slimey Mike Medved but Obama is as phony as a three dollar bill. A few quick points:

1. The fainting seemed to cease once it was exposed on Youtube.

2. The fainting always seemed to occur close to Obama.

3. By the way, are men capable of fainting?

4. As Medved points out, fainting could be the result of a heart attack (to say nothing of stroke, seizure or diabetic coma to name but a few causes.)
And yet, Obama could offer reassuring prognoses. Of course she's going to be OK, so's the lady who got sawed in half! I saw her after the show and she didn't have a mark on her!

Open questions for Obama voters:

1. If you fell for this silliness, aren't you a little bit ashamed? Don't feel too bad. Bernie Madoff conned smart people. Obama is good at what he does.

2. If you did not fall for Obama's carnival antics, don't you want to distance yourself from the useful idiots who bought it hook, line and sinker?

3. Don't you lose respect for someone who is so devious, even if he is good at what he does?

4. If you believe there was no chicanery, do you think you might have a Kool Aid problem?

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