Tuesday, May 28, 2013

IRS Locking Down Its Computers

The IRS is in the process of locking down its computers. In an email going out late Thursday employees were advised that the IRS was “copying every hard drive in TE/GE across the IRS.” TE/GE, is of course the, Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division that was headed by Lois Lerner until she was placed on administrative leave. The email of which National Review Online has obtained a copy goes on to report;
Employees were directed not to “wipe, re-image or otherwise destroy any hard drives” on any machine currently in use or in stock. During this time, the IRS will not discard any laptop and desktop computers that are replaced, and it is “working on securing a location” where they will be kept, according to the e-mail.
What is not known is who is conducting the new investigation. Is it the FBI or the Inspector General or some other government agency?

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