Saturday, June 12, 2021

The Fourth Turning: Why American 'Crisis' May Last Until 2030

This video explains The Fourth Turning about as well as the thick book does.

The tumult the USA is now experiencing is just getting started. We are still a long way--but it will probably come quickly--from Saratoga, Gettysburg, or Normandy. But the ending will probably be climactic in every sense of the word.

"The Fourth Turning" is a thought-provoking book. Post World War II, organizations were formed with the very best of intentions: The United Nations, The World Health Organization, the CIA, to name but a few. T
The new golden age spawned bright and lofty organizations that started off nobly, morphed into something else, and devolved into a mockery of its blueprint. Is that just the nature of organizations in general or does it reflect historical cycles? I don't know but there is a pervasive feeling that this chapter is not over. the other boot is about to drop.

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