Wednesday, June 17, 2020

An Immodest Proposal: Defund Minneapolis

If a municipality denies fundamental services to its inhabitants, is it still a municipality? Should Minneapolis be recognized as a city or is it just a vast, unincorporated area in Hennepin County? These are philosophical questions, but they are serious questions. If the police are defunded, what legitimacy does the City Council or Mayor's office have? Should they also be defunded?

If the police are defunded, should not the courts also be defunded? Should they turn the courthouses into pricey condos? I might suggest public housing but if there is no legitimate public sector in Minneapolis, you can't very well have public housing.

Would the citizens of Minneapolis be worse off if their municipality was dissolved? Hennepin County and the State of Minnesota would be obligated to fill the void and let's face it: they could not possibly do a worse job than the current administration.

Defunding the police in a city of 3 million might not be the brightest idea we have ever encountered but funding the toxic buffoons who mismanaged this once-respected city is on par with that momentous decision. 

Maybe some good will come from all of this. America's cities have been turned into hell holes by the Democrats. Detroit. Baltimore. San Francisco. Too many to list. The longer the Dems are in control, the worse shape the metropolis. Maybe if we defunded our dysfunctional cities, we could replace them with something better.

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