Friday, March 20, 2020

The Cultural Divide Reflected In People's Attitude Concerning Corona Virus

You can pick the newsies out of the crowd. They are gallantly enduring a Hiroshima situation as they diligently apply disinfectant to all stationary objects. Mainstream say be fearful and they gladly comply. Mainstream say call Corona, "Covid19" and all comply. Them viewers, they smart.

Those of us who do not trust the mockingbird media seem to be more concerned about the economy, the imposition of martial law, and the extinction of civil liberties. These divisions are in my workplace and they also span our country. The bluer the state, the more likely the sheep will support and comply with a remain sheltered order.

Is this what it takes for Anderson Cooper, et al, to regain their once hearty audiences. It seems to be working for now. Just cancel all sporting events, and concerts, all dart games, all art exhibits, all everything, and even Brian Williams can find an audience. Amazing.

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