Friday, March 13, 2020

45 Observations About The Left, Leftists and Leftism

The following quotes were taken from, "The Cult of Leftism Versus The Not-Left Coalition” by James Joseph and Guillermo Strauss

1. Leftism can be defined in two words: Authoritarian Elitism.

2. There is no such thing a right wing, at least not in the same sense as there is a Left Wing. The Left is a mob, a flock, a colony, a herd. It is a collective organism. The Not-Left is a philosophically diverse coalition unified by a legitimate fear of totalitarianism.

3. The difference between the Left and the Not-Left Coalition is, to reference Lazarus Long, the difference between philosophy and religion. The Not-Left starts with the questions and utilizes--as well as its members are capable--the philosophical method to derive at a conclusion. The Left, on the other hand, formulates their beliefs like a religion, starting with the answers and using questions to solidify their position.

4. The news media serve as a collective papacy for The Left.

5. Leftism is the antithesis of liberalism (and vice versa.)

6. Leftism is like every other ism only more so.

7.Populism, secularism, nationalism...Mix any ism with Leftism and it becomes Leftism. Nothing more. Nothing less.

8. Someone wiser than us defined a fundamentalist is someone who uses The Bible to prove the legitimacy of The Bible.

9. Fundamentalists see their viewpoint as self-evident and are contemptuous of those who are unable to grasp the obvious.

10. Is Leftism a religion? No, it is a political cult. Being fundamentalist in focus, it shares characteristics with authoritarian religions, but it is--to its core--a political cult.

11. The reason why most people do not associate Leftism with fundamentalism is the sheer volume of authoritarian elitists. If half your family and most of your classmates are Lefties, you will probably view them differently from the way you see the guy who devotes his life to planting Bibles in hotel dressers. But there are more similarities than differences between the religious fundamentalist and the political fundamentalist and we can never lose sight of these parallels.

12. Leftists are more dangerous than religious zealots because the latter know they are fundamentalists. The Sinisteria on the other hand, see themselves as normal, enlightened people who possess the sophistication to recognize the right leaders and to follow them without question.

13. Is there such thing as a dominant meme? When a person holds two belief systems, the more fundamentalist perspective will trump the less rigid ideology. 
If a Leftist is a Roman Catholic, he is a Leftist first and a Catholic second.
If a Leftist is an Evangelical Christian, he is a Leftist first and an Evangelical Christian second.
If a Leftist is a Mormon, he is a Leftist first and a Mormon second.
If a Leftist is a Muslim, he is a Leftist first and a Muslim second.

14. To be human is to hate but most of us apply safety features to our dark passions. Fundamentalism removes the guard rail of reason and the speed bump of doubt...Do not try to out-hate them. It can’t be done.

15. The success of a Leftist faction hinges on its ability to sell its members on their group's inherent and absolute moral, intellectual, social, and aesthetic superiority

16. Beware Crypto-Leftists. There is a vast difference between a Conservative and a conservative. The Conservative might want to replace lesbian bureaucrats with Christian bureaucrats, but his core value is authoritarian elitism packaged in a halo. He is a Leftist through and through.

17. The Left versus Right spectrum was invented by Lefties and they retain the seating arrangements. Bad actors are often exiled to The Right even when they are prototypically Leftist to the core. The National Socialist German Workers' Party might not be the poster child of The Left, but it is the blueprint.

18. Lefties only value truth when truth is in their favor.

19. The Not-Left wants to win the debate. The Left wants to kill the debate.

20. The Not-Left wants to win the argument. The Left wants to win the war.

21. The Not-Left roots for principles. The Left roots for proper nouns.

22. Leftists view people who formulate their own opinions in much the same way a suburban sultan looks at the neighbor who chooses to cut his own lawn.

23. .As the Sinisteria see it, there is nothing wrong with programmed delusion so long as the right people are doing the programming.

24. Ultimately it is all about style. The Leftist is assigned beliefs that are stylistically superior to the tenets of the Not-Left.

25. In return for surrendering his critical judgment, the loyal Leftist is assigned sanctioned beliefs that are guaranteed to be morally, socially, aesthetically and intellectually superior to those formed independently.

26. Are there any happy Leftists? None that we have met but then again, we never met Castro or Hitler or Stalin or Mao. We have only met their less successful imitators.

27. Possibly the stupidest statement ever uttered: Hitler had some good ideas, but he went too far. If we credit Der Fuehrer with the Autobahn, he had a grand total of one good thought. Hitler was a study in bad ideas taken too far by mindless followers.

28. Places with histories of royalty are fertile ground for Leftism. One form of authoritarian elitism is replaced by a newer, shinier form of the same thing.

29. The one slight disagreement I (James Joseph) would have with Eric Hoffer is that true believers do not jump haphazardly from mass movement to mass movement. True believers are Leftists who convert from one tribe of authoritarian elitism to another clan of inherently superior people. True believers yes, but Leftists first and foremost.

30. Cradle Leftists learn of their superiority at their mother's knee and spend their lives refining their smug.

31. Most Leftists are baptized in late adolescence. The convert is suddenly struck by an ineffable enlightenment, the certitude that he is morally, intellectually, socially and aesthetically superior. He will never be able to articulate the hows and whys of his superiority but then again, he will feel no need to. For the rest of his life, the Leftist will seek and share the company of those whose superiority also is self-evident. 

32.Elitism of merit would describe sporting events, the military and capitalism. Elitism of facade would describe the Left.

33. American Leftists may or may not have secret handshakes, but they do have rigid speech codes that serve the same function.

34. The hardest thing for The Sinisteria to understand--to the extent that they care to understand--about the Not-Left is that like protestants, the Not-Left have no papacy to spoon feed their beliefs. No claims to infallibility, no Index Liborum Prohibitorum, no heresy, no inquisition and no excommunication. Leftists cannot and will not accept the farfetched notion that their political rivals can independently arrive at the same conclusion without guidance from an exalted leader.

35. There is flexibility in a Leftists' rigidity. If their leaders reverse their position on a given subject, the faithful Sinsisteria will change their opinions in tandem.

36. The Not-Left understand their opposition because they are awash in Leftist propaganda. The Sinesteria,  repulsed by the very existence of their social inferiors, offended by the premise of disagreement, fearful of heretical contamination, and ever protective of their cherished dogma, do not know or understand their rivals. Willful ignorance is the Achilles Trunk of the Left.

37. To some degree, we always talk about ourselves when we talk about others. If the speaker’s only point of reference is the reflection in the mirror, then the speaker cannot help but project his inner qualities and motives when he describes the essence and actions of others.

38. Not-Leftists want to improve health care; Leftists want to control the industry.

39. Not-Leftists want to improve education; Leftists want to control the schools.

40 Not-Leftists want to devise better modes of commerce, Leftists want to control everything that has anything to do with money.

41. Leftism is not a way of thinking; it is a way of not thinking.

42. Leftism is not a worldview; it is a way of ignoring the world.

43. Is Leftism a lifestyle? Stylelife would be more descriptive.

44. Sinesteria have a talent for infiltrating and ultimately corrupting institutions. Art, science, law religion, commerce, education, and entertainment have been eroded and degraded and often ruined by Leftist influence.

45. Do Lefties ever make things better? For insiders, yes. For outsiders, no.

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