Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Is Mueller Working For Trump After All?

Tracy Beanz and others have promoted this idea that Robert Mueller is secretly working with the White House. He is setting leak traps for the Clinton thugs he hired. He is leading the investigations in a circuitous route back to the Podestas and the Clntons and their undeniable transactions with the Kremlin. Speculation and more speculation.

Yesterday, Mueller's goons raided the offices of one of Donald Trump's long-time attorneys, Michael Cohen. On the surface it appears to be a broad miscarriage of justice, an abuse of power that might in and of itself, constitute criminal activity. The new, Post-Obama, anticonstitutional, coup de law approach to law enforcement. The new normal.

Hold on a second. If DJT or his associates have stepped over a line or violated a procedure or possibly even broken the law, the one way to nullify the evidence is to obtain it illegally. If Hussein's repackaging of criminal law holds up, the president, as well as any challenger to the status quo, will have ongoing problems. If, on the other hand, constitutional law as we know it is the blueprint, everything sixteen degrees from Michael Cohen is inadmissible.

Whether or not we live in post-constitutional system, we still have constitutional pretense. Vestiges of America remain, whether the Left likes it or  not. Mueller's Stasi tactics might actually be a clever maneuver to kill a witch hunt. Mueller might be working for the White House after all.

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