Friday, March 23, 2018

Donald's "Read My Lips" Moment

I  sometimes wish I was as simple-minded as our friends on the Left. Principles and values and such do not concern them. They goosestep behind their leaders and when they win an election, that's it for another four years. Dancing in the streets. Game over. There is never a sense of betrayal or buyer's remorse. Mindlessly following their leaders is all that concerns them. Happy sheep.

We win an election and we do not dance in the streets. We celebrate with a collective sigh and brace ourselves for the knife in the back. And it always gets us. Always.

It took Donald a while but he delivered the cold steel and it hurts. It hurts bad. Promises made. Promises kept. Ooooops. Read my lips.

This might be the beginning of the end of the Trump era. It might be the beginning of the end of a populist movement that we thought was so much bigger than Trump.

My last blog post was this AM when it looked like Trump was going to veto the porkfest. The Dow was up about a hundred points on the rumor that Trump was going to veto the damn bill. Had he done so, the market might have recovered the 700 or so points it had lost on Thursday. Instead, the president spit in our faces, signed the omnibus into law and the Dow surrendered 500 points, closing down 424 points on the day. Does anyone think the bleeding is over?

George H. W. Bush wrecked his political career with a broken "read my lips" promise. Will Trump fare better than that latter day Benedict Arnold? Should we even care?

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