Monday, August 21, 2017

The Left Has No Limiting Factor

The left has no limits. It’s vital to understand that. No battle they pick is over the stated issue. Each is merely a step towards the goal of eradicating Western Civilization. They’ve set up a self reinforcing system of rewards, whereby SJWs out bid each other to come up with new ways to be offended. Thus it’s become an ever more radical movement. It’s not about the monuments. Of course glorifying slavery is bad. But should we not then tear down the Pyramids? Trust me, there is NO vestige of Western Civilization that could not be destroyed on the same premise. Every Castle in Europe occupied by a despot, every Church, every document, every classic of literature, etc. In world where a few degrees of separation join all things, guilt by association can be used to criticize anything, because its all a degree or two away from something that can be demonized. Look what’s happening to Football; to the definition of family and gender, to every holiday. Anything can be destroyed if the standard is that it’s related to something bad. Guess what that includes? Everything. SJWs in South Africa are going after Isaac Newton and Gravity as “western colonial science”. Get it? Nothing is off limits. No. Single. Thing.

This is about enshrining the left as The One True Religion. They will replace everything with their own cultish iconography. They will likewise replace all ideas with their own. The fight over the Google memo is identical to this fight. It’s about declaring all things non-leftist outside the scope of even debate. This is not about the confederacy. That’s yet another in a long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long list of fronts. It’s about the existence of anything outside of leftism. It’s about eliminating debate and installing a global Religion of Leftism. And make no mistake, that religion plans on replacing monuments, books, science and facts, liberty, the white population, the concept of natural rights, the rule of law, free speech, Christianity, the USA, Europe and all of Western Civilization. In fact, if you defend any of those things, you are a Nationalist, a white supremacist and a bigot. You must go. You must be replaced.

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