Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Sharyl Attkisson At Ted-x

We are all familiar with Sharyl Attkisson even if some of us will never be able to spell her name without looking it up. You should also familiarize yourself with TED and the media giant it has become.

Finally, someone takes on Wikipedia and exposes them as the Astroturf phonies they happen to be. She exposes the gaslighting tactics the MSM has used since the dawn of time.

I am surprised Attkisson was asked to speak at a TED Talk. TED reminds me a lot of NPR in that they have some good moments but they also grind political axes in a not exactly forthcoming manner. Talks that have nothing to do with George Bush or global warming will weave in asides that insult W and reinforce the Al Gore Bible. Both Bill Clinton and Al Gore have given TED Talks, BTW (and if the subject isn't 'how to troll for hotties' I don't think either man is an expert.) There is one Talk called "The Return of Wisdom" that involves the arrival of the Obama Presidency. A laugh track is sorely needed.

I have the feeling Attkisson will not be a regular speaker in TEDVILLE.

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