Wednesday, July 24, 2013

“With an endless parade of distractions, political posturing and phony scandals..."

Who said the above? Who else could have said the above? Who else would have the audacity to say the above? The above comments were made earlier today in Illinois. Are four dead Americans a phony scandal? A distraction? Or would that go in the political posturing file? They didn't have jet planes in Grover Cleveland's day but even if such options were available, I cannot imagine him jumping the rails and holding pep rallies at every wide spot in the road to advance his political agenda. I can't imagine Jimmy Carter being everywhere but the White House or Bill Clinton or any president for that matter, racing around to lead cheers. Every preceding president became president because they wanted to BE president. They wanted to sit in the Oval Office and do their job. Yes, this is an awful president and something can be said for keeping this buffoon out of Washington but shouldn't he at least fake being president? Can't he at least go to meetings and nod at all the right times? No? Got another fundraiser or rah rah session to attend to. There has never been a less presidential president. "Washington has taken its eye off the ball. And I am here to say this needs to stop. Short-term thinking and stale debates are not what this moment requires,” the Cheerleader-In-Chief informed his captive zombies. Take its eye off the ball? At least Washington is standing in the batter's box. Say what you may about Congress, they are doing their job. The president meanwhile, is once more missing in action.

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