Sunday, August 19, 2012

Obama Sunday Worship Extraordinaire

Four years in "The Twilight Zone" and we are still standing. I am still waiting for the CIA agent to jump out of the shadows and reveal how his people brainwashed the world. "Yes, we can even make a lowly community organizer president. In fact, we already have."

Maybe someday we can laugh at those wacky days when America became Jonestown. Not yet. The worship still activates my creep vibe. This is Berlin, 1936. The stakes could not be higher.

This blog has 73 posts with a "Sunday Worship" label. Some of them were spoof and satire. Some of the posts involved more cheerleading than literal worship. But in some of them, the people literally pray to Obama. They assign magical powers to the community organizer. They compare him to God. They even rewrite spiritual songs to praise Obama.

One common denominator: Most of the Obama worship was produced in 2008. A few more were released in early 2009. Then...Silence.

Let us recall the days when America went Jonestown and salute the dupes who gave us a good laugh

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