Tuesday, December 6, 2011

We Had No Idea How Bad The Problem Was or The Inherited Mess Fairy Tale

I won't go into the minutia that prompted this blurb but it still blows my mind that three years after the presidential election, we are still hearing fairy tales about The Anointed One. The Inherited Mess Fairy Tale is easily so easily discredited but pundits rarely bother to do so. The Dems took contro of both Houses of Congress in 2006. From 2007 to 2009 Bush was declawed, defanged and constantly defamed. The Dems were given the reins. Bush was given the blame. Nice deal if you can get it.

The fable continues. Shortly after inauguration Barack and his advisors were given access to the sacred ledger that George Bush hid away under his bed in the White House. Only then could the magi make an informed decision.

Cut the crap! Here comes a reality check.

1. Barack Obama was elected to the Senate in 2004.

2. The Dems took control of both houses in 2006.

3. As such, Obama did not "inherit" anything. He was a co-creator of whatever happened to the USA from January 2005 until January 2009. US Senators wield a great deal of power (with little or no accountability in Obama's case.)

4. President Obama was not privy to financial information unavailable to Senator Obama. Nada. US Senators are not just allowed to look at the books, they are the ones who "write" the books. If President Obama faced any surprises, it was only because Senator Obama was not paying attention. No other explanations are credible.

Still, we have one more Poor Barack tale that just will not go away. Poor, Poor Barack. Thirty years from now the loyalists will still recite this fairy tale.

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