Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Chris Christie and The Only Hope Phenomenon

Chris Christie seems like an entertaining guy to me. Would he be my first choice for president? No, and he would notc rack the top five. I would have liked for him to challenge Martinez for the NJ Senate seat. That is not discussed anywhere but here (one time.)

William Kristol, Ann Coulter, and an idiot Boston radio hostess all said that Cristie was the only man who could defeat Obama. The GOP's only hope. I don't understand the only hope phenomenon but it does seem to make people stupid. Dick Morris promoted this idea that only Condoleeza Rice could defeat Hillary. He made no sense when he tried to explain his fantasy and I think he endangered his credibility. The only hope phenomenon can turn a rational person into the equivalent of an Obama supporter. Love makes fools of us all.

I remember a few pundits who had Trump pegged as the only hope. Then it was Perry. Then it was Christie. Will Rubio be next? I hope not.

The search for Mr. Goodenough continues.


mongo said...

i read that President Obama's team views Mitt Romney as the GOP candidate most capable of beating Obama.

BOSurvivor said...

The press always says that sort of thing about non-conservatives. They were saying that about Huntsman and four years ago they were touting McCain. Having said that though, Romney could win blue states (Massachusetts, Maine) where other Republicans don't stand a chance.