Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Newfound Appreciation For Winston Churchill

Anti-Angloism is an exotic American prejudice. Yes, in pockets on the east coast you get the potato heads who actually care about Irish politics and the bully Brits. But most Americans thik the Brits are jolly good. Many of them set their alarms to watch the royal wedding. They read all about the Duchess of Cambridge and her kid sister. They appreciate UK's blood, sweat, toil and tears spilled in Iraq and Afghanistan. They might get rankled over those fancy, high brow British TV shows that clog the cable system but then again, they gave us Harry Potter. All is forgiven.

But the president has this thing about the evil empire. No, not that evil empire. The evil empire we associate with Winston Churchill. Yes, that's the one. How the hell, does one develop such a refined and esoteric bias?

It's all speculative. But when a public figure does not reveal his values, speculation will feed upon itself. Dinesh D'Souza has harnessed that second guessing and the results are disturbing. If Obama despises the Brits because of their colonial history, he probably hates America just as fervently. Pause to reflect on the repurcussions.


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