Saturday, November 6, 2010

Where Do We Begin?

I picked a bad week to fall behind in my bloggging. So much going on. See if I can summarize.

1. If I could have spared one Democrat from a fate of forced retirement, I would have spared Ike Skelton. Thank you for your service, Congressman,

2. My favorite newcomer is Bobby Schilling. He is a pizza man who closes up shop on the Sabbath. He is the father of ten kids. The real life Mr. Deeds. It will break my heart if he sells us out.

3. The more I see of Marco Rubio, the more I understand why the Dems would want to kneecap this guy.

4. Keith Olbermann did NOT get suspended for making campaign contributions to political candidates. At $7.5 million he would be the most overpaid entity in entertainment if he was entertaining and he would be the most overpaid entity in the news world if he dispensed information. I don't know if he is the most overpaid person on the planet but he is certainly in the running for that distinction.
The idiots at MSNBC/NBC/GE are guilty of managerial malpractice and that is understating the situation. Olbermann was paid a megasalary to knock Bill O'Reilly off of his pedestal. O'Reilly is not even on top of his game and he routinely crushes Olbermann. Management is coming to grips with one of their numerous mistakes and they are doing whatever is needed to tank Olbermann and his massive salary. Shades of Don Imus here.

5. If the House does not investigate systemic voter fraud we need to elect a new Congress. Unfortunately, a new Congress of our choosing might not ever again be an option if we don't investigate systemic voter fraud.

6. I have no proof at all that the Dems dealt off the bottom of the deck in Nevada but it smells bad. Remind me to never again set foot in Harrah's.

7. Least Likely To Be Described As Beautiful Loser: Alan Grayson. And yet...even Grayson was in favor of auditing the Fed.

8. Audit The Fed.

9. An essay I have put ofF writing for two years is "My Economic Values." I need to cut to the chase and write the synopsis: I believe the strength of a currency is the most important economic indicator of all.

10. I am not thrilled with QE2. I don't trust Bernanke either.

11. Both major political parties are undergoing a civil war. The GOP skirmish might attract more interest but ultimately, The Dems will get uglier. Obama's most fervent enemies are not Conservatives or Republicans or Tea Party members but rather the disaffected Hillary voters. They did not "move on" and they did not "deal with it" or "get over it." These are largely decent people who take a dim view of voter fraud or the highjacking of their beloved party by ruthless thugs. This might have been the wrong hornet's nest to kick.

12. This comment from Hoosierman bears repeating. "We won big! It just doesn't feel like it. Now I read the Gop picked up 680 state legislators. ( may be the best outcome of the whole election."

13. A quick pep talk to Massachusetts voters: Don't get discouraged. You are taking on the political equivalent of the New York Yankees with what are now, rank amateurs. But those rank amateurs will be a little sharper in 2012, and your organization, the counter-machine, is coming along nicely. With the right name on the top of the ticket in 2012, the locals might just beat the Yankees next time around.

14. I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed watching MSNBC this past week. Sure, they make us laugh but I sense that the clowns might be crying on the inside. To find joy in an ocean of sadness is commendable. But how much longer are they going to milk their victories in Delaware and Nevada? Could be a long time, because I don't see many more celebrations on their flat line horizon.


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