Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Why Is It That People Who Can Grasp Scientific Complexities Cannot Grasp Rudimenatary Economics?

All my life I have known people like TJ, The Amazing Athiest, who is being rebutted here. At 0:28 our hero alludes to the frustration and anger TJ expresses for people who cannot understand evolution and yet TJ cannot grasp the merits of capitalism.

Anyone who has attended college knows TJ the athiest. He prides himself on his intellect and that is commendable. He fancies himself superior to people of faith because of their irrationality. But TJ is as selectively rational as any church goer. When it comes to economics, TJ shuts down the reason machine.

It is not that economics is hard to grasp in the same way as say, nuclear physics. Yes, the dismal science can get complex but the rudiments of economics are simple and obvious. The problem is that economics often leads to counterintuitive and/or unaesthetic conclusions. And if you were educated in most parts of the world--the US, Canada, Europe included--true economics is heretical.

We all know TJ. Selectively rational. As dogmatic as any jihadist. Empirical until empiricism yields unpopular answers. Good ole TJ.


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