Friday, November 14, 2014

To Paraphrase Sigmund Freud, Everywhere I go I find a blogger has been there before me.

“Everywhere I go I find a poet has been there before me.” That was Siggy's enduring quote about the avant nature of poets. 

Hoosierman, whose poetics grace these hallowed halls, scooped the MSM by a little better than three months on Jonathan Gruber . Of course, the MSM had all hands on deck offering around the clock coverage on the upcoming midterms. Those poor overworked schlubs might have overlooked a video clip here or there. It's not like someone posts these things on Youtube, you know.

How long can MSM news pay their bills? The IRS scandal was volleyed around the blogosphere for at least a year before a newspaper mentioned it and at least two years before Lois Lerner went public at the ABA convention (before going silent in front of Congress.) The news has sometimes been viewed by networks as a loss leader or a public service but it could be very profitable right now. There is a six year logjam of stories to choose from.

In the meantime, a blogger is on the case. Wherever Katie Couric may wander, you can bet a nation of bloggers has been there before her.

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