Saturday, August 17, 2013

Talking To Obots

I have tried with some success to minimize contact with Obots. I don't dislike Obots personally but talking to a Kool-Aider is like talking to a Scientologist, a Moonie, a Hare Krishna or a placard-carrying member of the Westboro Baptist Church. Their devotion to their cult leader creeps me out in a big, big way.

Most Obots advance arguments that go something like this. "Bush sucked. Therefore we will have a successor who will suck ten times more than Bush and you can't criticize him because Bush sucked and that makes his successor immune from criticism. Besides, his successor has cool celebrity friends."

That summary is only slightly facetious. For five years I have seen variations of that content posted on comment sections of blogs and news sites. A friend of mine posted a Facebook comment that went something like "A president wiretaps a hotel room and gets impeached. Another president wiretaps the entire country and gets praised." Instantly his post was met with a reminder that Bush conceived the Patriot Act. Whoomp...There it is. Whoomp...There it is. Whoomp...There it is.

On most matters, Bush did suck but Obama sucks worse. And it's not because Obama is Anti-Bush or Bush Lite. No, Barack Obama is Bush on steroids. Bush caused deficits. Obama caused much larger deficits. Bush helped create the Patriot Act. Obama uses the Patriot Act to spy on political rivals and unsympathetic journalists. Bush creates the Department of Homeland Security. Obama uses DHS to militarize small town America, to spy on and intimidate political dissent and to horde ammunition for who knows what? The Bush Administration was at times, secretive. The Obama Administration is a closed book hidden in a lead-lined vault guarded by rabid wolves.

An open question for Obots? Can't we have leaders who suck less than Bush or don't suck at all?

No? That must be some damn good Kool-Aid!

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