Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Oliver Stone; “Obama is a snake"

The revelations about the sundry ways NSA and the government in general spy on the American public has evoked bipartisan outrage. It's hard to believe Hollywood would ever turn on Obama and it probably will never unite against him but calling the first black president a snake? Well, let's just say his popularity is declining. Oliver Stone thinks Edward Snowden is a hero and Barack Obama is a snake. Bet he'll never get a job at the Missouri State Fair.

“The Boston Marathon, they were so busy tracking down potential protestors…that they missed the bombers. It’s never about terrorists, it always becomes about the way J. Edgar Hoover did it; he brought all the weight of government to bear against protestors. He didn’t like protestors. He thought they were left-wing communists. He never could find the proof, but by the time the Vietnam War came around, as you know, 500,000 people were on the list, and they were being eavesdropped on. And where are we now? Same place.”

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