Friday, June 14, 2013

Sarah Hall Ingram Visited the White House 165 Times

Our trivia question today is; Who from the IRS made the most trips to the White House? If you guessed Doug Schulman, wrong! Sarah Hall Ingram visited 165 times compared to Schulman's insignificant 157. That's a combined total of 322 and their visits did not overlap. For her trouble Ingram racked up $100,000 in bonuses and was promoted to oversee Obamacare. Keep in mind she was in charge of TE/GE, the division that targeted tea party groups, at the time. Doug Wead asks?
During those 322 visits to the White House, which represents almost every other working day, did they ever encounter the president?  And if so, what did they talk about?  Baseball?  Did they ever talk about work?
Did they feel comfortable about quizzing nonprofit applicants about their prayer language because they knew the president wouldn’t mind?  How could Barack Obama possibly not know what was going on?  When they met with him, did they lie to him?

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