Wednesday, July 11, 2012

George Obama: Part I

I did not start from the premise of "I dislike Obama." In 2007 and well into 2008 I thought of Barack Obama as a vain but vapid man but also someone who was probably a decent human being. Naive perhaps, but personable and well-intentioned.

The more I researched Obama the man, the more his portrait morphed into something much more sinister. I dislike Obama's values and policies, but even more frightening is the amoral, manipulative and cold-hearted character who has revealed his horrid soul to all who dare to see. The man behind the curtain is not a bungling, bumbling mountebank. No, the man behind the curtain is much more frightening than the contrived monster he purports to be.

The president is quick to brag about the boundless riches he has reaped through sales of an absurdly bogus autobiography. And he talks the talk about compassion and helping the less fortunate, brother's keeper, etc. Yes, he can take two jets on a family vacation and shell out $50k/week to rent a nice little place on Martha's Vineyard and hobnob with celebrities at $35k per handshake. But can he spare a monthly C-spot for his brother who lives in a 10' x 10' hut? Insert laugh track here.

Trivial aside. In 2008 I worked with a Kenyan national I'll call G. She had met George Obama in Nairobi. On one occasion G and a few of her friends ate at a diner with Barack's half brother. G did not enjoy herself because she and the other women were expected to remain silent while their male friend discussed a myriad of topics with George Obama. That's the Kenyan way.

I did not ask G the question but she stated with no prompting whatsoever that George Obama is definitely a Muslim. She also said repeated some negative things about the Obamas' tribe that sounded racist to my ears. I won't repeat the stereotypes.

Bill Clinton helped his ne'er do well brother land 20 TV and movie roles. Do you think Barack might do something like that for his less-connected kid brother? Insert big ass laugh track here.


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