Saturday, August 3, 2024

A COVID Story I Have Delayed Sharing

 "Bittersweet" does not quite capture the breadth of feeling. It was vaguely synchronistic. Yes, it was sad. Yes, it validated my perspective and made me feel a little bit proud. It is hard for me to explain the significance of the meeting and I might fall short in that effort. I found a new friend and the friendship lasted about an hour.

This writer does not ordinarily use his real name. I have not taken any measures to conceal my identity and a sleuth could reveal everything about me in seconds. It's not the sleuth that worries me. The nosy neighbor or the office politician is more concerning. In this story, I want to protect the identity of the Health Care Professional, hereafter referred to as HCP. We don't want to cause problems with HCP's coworkers or peers or superiors or subordinates or regulators. In protecting the identity of HCP, I am assigning the pronoun they and I have delayed telling this story so that Alice Kravitz will not be able to pinpoint the day in question. 

Let me briefly restate my recent history. In December 2021 I was terminated from a job I held for thirteen years because I resisted my employer's vaccination mandate. Prior to COVID, I was not a vax refusenik. I believed that vaccinations, like antibiotics and chlorinated drinking water, were twentieth-century marvels. Then we were hit with the Coronavirus. Every facet--every minute detail of that narrative--was bogus. It was presented by the Consensus Media with enhanced consensus.

I played along with the herd, standing six feet from humanity and constantly wearing a snot rag on my face. Being a homebody, I did not necessarily feel inconvenienced by the shelter-in-place orders. Working on the fringes of health care I was deemed an essential employee which meant that I could legally drive through the empty streets with a sense of ownership I had not known since the days following the Marathon bombing. In some ways, COVID was even better than April 2013 because the police, possibly reluctant to don mask and glove and exchange paper with a doomsday vector, allowed the scarce driver to move as fast as he pleased.

Historians might refer to this era as the golden age of horseshit. Lie stacked upon lie, stacked upon lie. Dissidents would be silenced. Heretics would be canceled. Doctors with sterling resumes would have their practices threatened. Careers would be wrecked. Businesses would close. Surfers would be jailed. Churches would be regulated in seating and singing and parking and handshaking. It wasn't the worst of times but it sure as shit wasn't the best of times either.

I declined the mandated vax. I lost my job. I landed on my feet. I paid a lawyer and was able to recover my unemployment benefits. I would continue to see healthcare professionals (HCP's). One appointment stands out.

HCP started the conversation by telling me how much they respected me for rejecting the COVID vaccination. HCP then informed me that they had enjoyed a lifetime of good health but that changed immediately after they received their prophylactic regimen. 

Here I have to explain that I used to work as a mental health counselor. For reasons that I partly understand and partly do not comprehend, people find me "approachable". Even away from the workplace, people sometimes share more information than I would expect them to. 

HCP provided a lot of personal health data and I can usually hold my own in shallow medical conversation. What I can tell you is that HCP was hit with multiple, possibly unrelated, health problems, some more serious than others. HCP is enduring a life-threatening complication. The prognosis is grim.

HCP ignored some professional standards by sharing this information with a patient. That does not bother me. I am honored that HCP would treat me as an equal. Under different circumstances, HCP's behavior might be viewed as inappropriate. Under these circumstances, I regard HCP's advice and support as noble and brave and a display of the heights of healthcare delivery.

HCP would enter into the record that they had advised me to get jabbed repeatedly, but privately HCP confirmed the wisdom of my decision. The focus of the visit returned to the patient and I can say that HCP performed to the standard. The ice had been broken and I was unusually quick to reveal details about myself  I might have otherwise abbreviated. We also discussed my own recent losses and concerns for my loved ones' emotional welfare, topics I always avoid.

We managed to discuss death and dying in an unusually relaxed and candid way. Not just mortal coil kinds of stuff but burial plot prices, tombstone prices, logistics...totally unexpected topics. When you share secrets, especially secrets regarding mortality, a bond can form. Instant friendship. Instantly old friends. HCP even ragged on me about inflating my current job title, something only an old friend or relative might do. It did not seem out of place.

I cannot tell you how often I have reflected on this meeting. The breadth and depth of feelings are difficult to summarize. Yes, I like to be right. Yes, I love to be right and I like confirmation that I am right, but on matters related to the vax, I want to be wrong! Tin foil hat kind of wrong, Flat Earth kind of wrong. NESARA/GESARA kind of wrong. My friends and relatives who got Pfizered or Modernaed outnumber the refuseniks by a factor of at least 20 to 1. Sometimes it sucks to be right.

I never again saw my instant friend, one of the best allies, colleagues, cohorts, and, buddies I have ever known. Health care professionals are stalked more frequently than most people and I would not want to set off any alarms. Also, private contact with a patient can land the HCP in trouble. I am concerned about HCP's welfare but frankly, it is none of my business.

I seem to have a talent for recruiting or attracting stellar treaters. This interaction was special. In an era when we can't trust most doctors anymore, HCP boldly delivered truth and candor. For that, I shall be forever grateful.


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Fort Sumter?

This writer is thinking 12 thoughts at once and that is never good. He has no sense of comparison but he would describe his inner monolog as orderly and repetitive and repetitive. If his inner dialog (usually a monolog but now and then there is some Q and A) were a cable TV station it would be C-Span II or C-Span III. Today, it is a press conference staffed with hecklers.

There is no shock this time. Who did not expect an assassination attempt?

The consensus media were slow to respond to the story and then they all reported that Trump was rushed offstage after hearing "loud noises".

Was the Secret Service complicit?

Clif High predicted a mega-event (I can't speak his language so I use the term mega-event) on or around July 15. He also said the release language will continue for several months.

The power of prayer. I don't have reliable stats but, Trump is possibly the most prayed-for person in history. Out of the blue someone texted me an Amanda Grace video this past Tuesday that was mostly a prayer service for Trump and his family.

And his family...this writer's wife, upon learning of  Trump's close call, immediately voiced concern for the safety of Trump's family. 

Is this Fort Sumter? 

Friday, May 24, 2024

Happy Birthday, Bob!

 May 24, 2024, is Bob Dylan's eighty-third birthday.

I don't want to sound like an aged Boomer inflicting demographic imperialism on the rest of humanity one more time. This is a political blog and we try not to wander off the reservation too frequently.

Sticking to politics, I want to thank Bob profusely for many, many things especially his apolitical life. Too many artists and entertainers spew Leftist verbiage because they want to be stylish or because they happen to be idiot savants who know nothing about anything outside their polished craft.

I could name a dozen actors who I once admired and respected but who are now repulsive to me. Think Robert Deniro. "Taxi Driver", "The King of Comedy", "Good Fellas"...I can't even look at these masterpieces anymore. Deniro is a ruling class suck-up and his moronic comments taint his lifetime of work. He just had to go and ruin it for me.

Could there ever be a greater disconnect between a star's contrived persona and their true essence than what Bono has displayed? The compassionate, sensitive, Christian artist is also a World Economic Forum participant. Is a greater contrast between essence and affect possible?

Well yes, it is possible. Man of the people/blue collarish/Nebraska-folkie/if Pete Seeger-and-Bob Dylan-had-a-love-child, Bruce Springsteen seems to have topped them all. Witness his flying above all of us on Air Force One with America's first Soros-puppet president. Larry Sinclair did it better, Brucie. Oh and let's not forget the sweet time Brucie had with Barry and Tom Hanks and Richard Branson on Branson's private yacht. That was one exclusive circle-jerk. And I used to love your music. I used to think--get this--I used to think you were real.

I can't feel you anymore
I can't even touch the books you've read

That brings us back to Bob. Bob was on hand for Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech. It is believed that that was Dylan's last protest of any kind. He sat out the peace marches and the no-nukes fad. Rush Limbaugh once ignorantly, ignorantly, ignorantly stated that Bob was "some kind of big environmentalist". Not publicly, he wasn't. Bob has been politically agnostic since at least the mid 60's. 

...Lies that life is black and white
Spoke from my skull, I dreamed...

...Spouted out that liberty is just equality in school
"Equality," I spoke the word
As if a wedding vow...

...In a soldier's stance, I aimed my hand
At the mongrel dogs who teach
Fearing not I'd become my enemy
In the instant that I preach...

Ah, but he was so much older then. We were to see another side of Bob Dylan that was no longer preachy, or sophomoric or even vaguely partisan. Interestingly, the same album that gave us "My Back Pages" also provided "It Ain't Me Babe", a song that could be read as a rejection of guru status. Bob kept things in perspective.

Thanks for not ruining the enjoyment of your life's work, Bob. Happy Birthday, friend.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Sometimes The Comments Are More Revealing Than The Video

I for one would rather have a gay president than a cokehead-in-chief. Something about mixing nuclear codes and crack pipes that seems a bit offsetting.

So, Tucker Carlson interviews Larry Sinclair and the comments overwhelmingly focus on Obama's sexuality. Did you catch the part about you know who hitting the pipe? Did you catch the part about who supplied the powder for his playmate? Did you catch the part about whose alleged gay lover was murdered?

A distant second commentary is "why would Tucker talk to that guy?" Maybe because that guy has been ignored, cancelled, defamed and abused for fifteen years. Goes back to this editor's rule of thumb: Show me a story that is suppressed, and I will show you a story that is probably true. Extreme measures were applied to silence Larry Sinclair. Therefore, his story is likely truthful.

Not many comments about the tragic slaying of Donald Young. That is unfortunate.

Conspicuously missing from the interview is the Biden factor. That too, is unfortunate.

Once more the news coverage--or lack thereof--is the big story, but that too is missed by the pundits and commentators. There is depth and to the Sinclair saga, but "Brokeback Obama" is the depth of the tweets.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Larry Sinclair, Tucker Carlson, And We, The Scattered Davids Armed With Pea Shooters

Errata: A previous version of this article erroneously stated that Larry Sinclair had not set foot in Delaware prior to his arrest in that state. The bogus charges brought by Attorney General Biden stem from a prior stay at a Delaware motel. Corrections made 9/7/2023.

1. Larry Sinclair might be the most underrated and underreported figure in US history.

2. Speculatively, I do not believe Obama would have chosen Joe Biden as his running mate in 2008 were it not for Larry Sinclair.

3. Had Biden never served as vice president, he would never have become president.

4. Had Biden never become president the US might not have blown up the Nord Stream pipeline, we might not be funding a proxy war in Ukraine, we might not have discussed the increased probability of nuclear war, we might not see a global de-dollarization movement, we might not experience runaway inflation, product shortages, and endure economic calamity on the home front. "Let's go Brandon" would not be part of the zeitgeist.

5. I am not entirely buying Tucker Carlson's newfound integrity, his midlife professional crisis, his great awakening or whatever he is now selling. Once a Foxhole, always a Foxhole. Thanks for coming to the party 15 YEARS too late, Mr. Moneybags Journalist!

6. The suppression of the Larry Sinclair story challenges the integrity of every Con, Inc. luminary, including Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and Mark Levin.

7. The Sinclair saga unmasked the news media as suppressors of truth. It would usher in an era where news media would attack independent voices rather than evaluate the legitimacy of their stories.

8. At this site, we posed the question "If Mitt Romney's choir director, who openly bragged about having sexual relations with Romney, was gunned down days before the launching of Mitt's presidential campaign, would the story make national news?" It's a rhetorical question. Kind of like asking do Black lives matter? Yes, Black lives do matter unless your name is Donald Young. Will Carlson "go there"?

An overview: In 2008, Larry Sinclair attempted to steal the national spotlight by declaring that he had twice performed oral sex on Barack Obama. More significantly, he reported that Obama smoked crack cocaine during each encounter.

The news media tried to ignore Sinclair. He would be dismissed as a Clinton dirty trick, sometimes referred to as "the Hillary guy." 

Suddenly, Larry Sinclair was removed from the public's view, He would be transported to Delaware to face charges that he previously defrauded a Rodeway Inn. These charges would later be dropped but coupled with the hijacking of Sinclair's websites as well as the instant discontinuance of his Social Security disability payments, the Hillary guy would be silenced until after the November election.

Despite his wrongful incarceration and further abuses, Larry Sinclair would write "Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder?" It would be the first Kindle purchase and I have to say, it did not disappoint. In 15 years of media shunning and harassments innumerable, Sinclair has not changed his tune.

Here, I speculate a little bit. Why did Barack Obama select Joe Biden as his running mate? With a name like Barack Hussein Obama, the Dems wanted a mainstream white person to "balance the ticket." Hillary or Gore would have wrecked Obama's food-taster budget. Bill Richardson might have been a little too ethnic and Joe Lieberman was a little too tribe. Why not John Kerry? Or John Edwards? Why not some 40-year-old who would be well-groomed and well-recognized for 2016? Why Joe Biden?

Joe Biden performed terribly in his presidential primary efforts because he was not popular or particularly likable. Journalists who like the word "charisma" left it on the shelf when discussing Joe. Biden's intellect was not respected by his fellow senators. But Biden was a team player. And yes, Biden played ball.

In 2008, Joe Biden's late son, Beau, served as Attorney General for the state of Delaware. Would the Biden Family fabricate charges against an innocent man to silence him until after the election? Would the Bidens engage in brazen criminal recklessness to ultimately rig a presidential election? Is that how Joe Biden muscled his way onto the ticket?

Could I prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the Bidens conspired to illegally incarcerate an innocent man? I couldn't. Could I present a preponderance of evidence that would suggest that Joe Biden had used Stasi tactics to unlawfully jail a political dissident and help rig a presidential election, all for the price of becoming the Democrat vice-presidential nominee? It has already been done.

When Larry Sinclair needed a lifeline, Republican stalwarts and Conservative icons dutifully tossed him their bricks. We, the scattered Davids armed with pea shooters would be effortlessly ignored by the army of Goliaths. Larry Sinclair deserved better treatment than we could provide. Maybe, just maybe, the upcoming Carlson interview will provide a morsel of justice for this wrongly persecuted man. We can dream, can't we?

Friday, July 14, 2023

How and why did morph into Ruling Class sycophants?

How and why did morph into Ruling Class sycophants?

Has "Reason" Surrendered its Brand?

If you know the answers to these questions, please clue me in. 

Strange things happen when one becomes a proper noun. There are vast differences between republican and Republican, democrat and Democrat, conservative and Conservative. Likewise, nouns and adjectives play under a separate set of rules. We bear witness to a Democratic Party whose raison d'ĂȘtre is rigging elections.

Whereas the Libertarians might not be as blatantly antithetical to their moniker as the Democrats, they are not what they used to be. This writer realizes the oxymoronic "establishment libertarians" have charted a different course in recent years, but he has not educated himself on the details.

Let's narrow our focus to "Reason" magazine was started in 1968. The Reason Foundation was founded in 1978. Unlike other magazines and other foundations, Reason transitioned and flourished on the Internet.

Checking in with Reason from time to time is like tuning into the History Channel after taking a Rip Van Winkle nap. The history has been replaced by pawn shop merchants, trash pickers and aliens. Yes, we can get glimpses and gleanings of history through antique and collectibles speculation but what happened to Genghis Khan? is as unconditionally anti-Trump as the mainstream media. They don't seem particularly sympathetic to victims of illegal alien violence. Likewise, they don't shed many tears for children who are groomed and conned and castrated. is allergic to discussions of election fraud because they "believe in the rule of law". 

Most disturbingly, routinely attacks the designated enemies of the orthodox press. Trump, DeSantis and now Robert Kennedy Jr., have found themselves the target of a caged monkey tossing his droppings at passersby. Given the polarity of the times, hit pieces are also not what they used to be, and it might be preferential to be struck by Reason scat than by the emanations of an 800-pound gorilla. The action says more about the monkey than the sidestepping mark. posted "RFK Jr.'s long con" on YouTube. 

Shortly thereafter, Tom Woods penned Respectable Libertarians Attack RFK and it was reposted at 

Reason itself interviewed RFK maybe two weeks ago and asked him about some of the very issues Wolfe raises in her video from yesterday, but the Wolfe video either ignores his responses or (in one case) actually misrepresents them.

RFK, she says, “frequently implies that the establishment is corrupt at best, evil at worst.”

Oh, no! How can he say such a thing about our beloved Jerome Powell, Nancy Pelosi, and Lindsey Graham!...

Then this: “He wildly extrapolates from little grains of truth” — and as these words are being uttered, his excellent book The Real Anthony Fauci appears on screen.

We encourage you to watch the entire video. The upshot is that RFK Jr., this establishment prince, has betrayed his tribe. Point taken. 

Now, let's return to the simian casting feculence. When and why did start parroting legacy media? When and why did they start pledging allegiance to the establishment? How and why did morph into Ruling Class sycophants?


Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Killing Occluded Information Links

Clickbait comes in many forms. Usually, it involves a deceptive or sensationalized link. Think of the old days when people physically shopped at grocery stores. The checkout line would offer "National Enquirer" "Weekly World News" or other publications featuring attention-grabbing headlines that often did not match with the embedded story.

The tabloids were notorious for their blunderbuss headlines. When you sell your product from a newsstand or vending machine you have to get the passersby's attention. Sometimes the article lived up to its billing and sometimes it fell short. The paying customer was okay with the pocket change risk.  Ask Rupert Murdoch about this marketing scheme and the conversation might rapidly transition to his family's vast fortunes. 

Seductive, sensational, and bogus headlines found greener pastures on the Internet, and it remains an endless summer. Let's sidestep the "I am shocked, shocked I tell you" phase and accept for now that deception is part of the terrain. Let's move on to a more obnoxious form of clickbait.

I hate occluded clickbait. That is, I hate titles like "Hollywood Reacts to beloved star's Death." The editor has intentionally withheld the star's identity to prompt you to click on the link. What is irritating about this ploy is that the site has already captured your attention but now the webmeister intends to maximize your onsite clicks. They are slowing down your consumption of information to improve their standing with search engines. That is rude and insulting.

This writer is especially hostile to slide shows. Slide shows disrupt the flow of information. Material that might take seconds to scan and possibly dismiss just as quickly becomes an ordeal. The slides are arranged in such a way as to maximize clicks. A scroll down a long article would probably yield one site-based click. Arranged into a slideshow, the site can record dozens and dozens of coins in this digital currency.

Imagine a restaurant where the waiter's compensation is based on the number of trips to your table. Instead of serving the entree and leaving, the waiter has divided your burger and fries into 30 equal-sized portions. Want another bite? Just summon the waiter. 

You just wanted a quick lunch and then get back to work. Now, the afternoon is dragging on and you only tested a third of your food. Yes, the waiter is prompt and only a few times did he add a commercial message before delivering the next morsel but your time is limited. 

You consider voicing your concerns to management, but you know the deal. Management supports the paid incremental service because it satisfies the search engine gods.  Without search engine grace, no one will even know of the bistro's existence. The best way to satisfy the gods is to increase the number of "internal links".  Rather than expand into desserts or takeouts or new product lines, management has chosen to prolong your dining experience. Waiter happy. Boss happy. Search gods happy. If you are an idiot, you might also be happy.

Slideshows are an elevated form of obnoxious. Occluded Information Links (OIL) are almost as bad. Yes, we expect this sort of thing from msn. We don't expect it from Daily Caller.  

The following links are all from today's Daily Caller home page.

ESPN Laid Off Female Host Days Before Her Wedding To NBA Player

If the female host (you mean hostess?) was famous enough to be mentioned in your article, should she not be mentioned by name? Same for the "NBA Player"?
From the same page: 
We were nice enough to visit your site, and this is how you extend your gratitude? I submit that this is more than a personal annoyance. This shows disrespect for the reader and disrespects the information as well. Truth might not be assaulted but it is certainly insulted. 
Back to the NBA, also from the same page: 
Speaking of cryptic moves, Daily Caller is hiding the info once more.
The unimpeded flow of truthful information is an ongoing struggle. Today's chosen battle is the shunning of Daily Caller. We will still link to them if someone else points us to one of their articles, but why, oh why, would we ever again visit their homepage?
Bye-bye  DC.