Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Donald Baby, Where You Been All My Life?

Finally! We now have a president who is willing to tackle financial malfeasance, lock horns with the political establishment, dismantle the bureaucratic state, fire corrupt and/or incompetent personnel, drain the damn swamp, and step on the toes of our ruling class. No, he has not brought about world peace just yet, but Week 4 of his presidency isn't over.

Trump is doing what we hoped Reagan would do. He is doing what we thought Gingrich would do. He is doing what we were certain George Bush and both houses of Congress might at least attempt to do. Forget those disappointments. Trump is doing it.

As an aggregate news site editor, I have trouble keeping up with Trump. Yes, it is easy to find worthy news stories but each "breaking news" item is displaced by another headline an hour later followed by another and another and another. Perhaps more important than anything else, perhaps more substantial than anything else, perhaps, perhaps, perhaps, Trump's greatest achievement is his breaking the news cycle and recreating it to his liking.

"Trump fires inspectors general." That might be the biggest story of another administration. The most substantial action spanning four years. For Trump, it was another day at the office. Not even a day. IG's equal old news, move on an hour later. 

It is happening! It is finally happening! Searches for "bleach bit" are up and so is my mood. NGO's are falling like dominos and so too is my despair. It will only get better when Trump gets all of his appointments in place. 

This isn't Utopia, this is something much better. Keep it coming, Donald. Keep it coming.

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