Saturday, January 6, 2018

Reflections On Q Anon: 4 Chan And 8 Chan

Aaron Spelling I am not. I do not profess to owning a golden gut that tells me that "The Love Boat" will rule prime time Saturday night for years to come. The appeal of Facebook confuses me. The appeal of 4 Chan and 8 Chan confuses me even more.

While Facebook appeals to every blabbermouth, narcissist and phony with a keyboard,
the Chans are utilized by the supercool and the ultra-hip. It's many of the same people who run Linux not because it saves them time or money but because it earns them a badge for style. Open source is so much fun until you want to submit an activities calendar or a mileage sheet to a normie and they can't read your work and are unable to do whatever is required to view your work.

People like Youtuber, Styxenhammer666, get all their news from 4 Chan. Or at least it is their launching pad or aggregator. Maybe if anime and mange interested me more...

8 Chan was probably invented to make 4 Chan seem respectable. I checked in about a week ago after my initial and only visit in 2016. The most popular thread was "Random" and the second most popular was "Teens." Who's their moderator? Anthony Weiner?

For me, the most amazing aspect of Q Anon is not that he can predict a Rothschild plane crash. No, the most jaw-dropping angle is that Q Anon posts on 4 Chan and 8 Chan. But that's just me.

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