Monday, August 23, 2010

Media Monday: CBS News Placing Humpty Dumpty In His Vaulted Position

We have tried to reserve Sundays for Obama worship and Mondays for media bias. Truth is, it is hard to decide in which category to put some videos. This gem holds up well for so many reasons. For one thing, the content of the message has proven itself true. Obama has shown himself to be little more than a celebrity whose merit beyond attention-seeking is dubious at best.

It also shows the king's horsemen in all of their luster and splendor. 5 minutes of a 22 minute newscast devoted to defining a legitimate concern as "negative." Criticize the chosen one? How dare they!

They go to great pains to belabor the point that Obama has not gone negative. No, and that was the key to his victory. He had the press corpse attack his opponents for him. That way he could be the unifier. The high-minded candidate who refused to jump into the sewer. Let the plebes take the plunge for you, Your Excellency.

Like a finely-cut jewel, this video has ever so many facets to marvel.

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