Monday, December 18, 2017

The Ninth Circuit Ain't What It Used To Be

So the activist appellate judge of the gargantuan 9th Circuit has stepped down due to "sexual impropriety." Usual disclaimers about witch hunts aside, I am glad to see him go.

In the words of the president, this is huge. Now the president will get to replace the buffoon named Alex Kozinski. Christmas came early.

Once more, Google tried to bury the significance of this story. Odd, since we know that a presidential nomination is soon to follow. A google search yielded pages of CBS, CNN, Slate (or was it Salon ?) Daily Beast, NY Daily News, Chorus, Chorus, Chorus.

Just hope the president has a Scalia up his sleeve.

1 comment:

Hoosierman said...

Maybe Roy Moore will be available.