Friday, September 23, 2016

Swedes Being "Asked" To Give Vacation Homes To Immigrants

The municipality must begin to expropriate Swedes houses and condominiums and give them to immigrants, according to the social worker Anders Wilhelmsson in Halmstad.

It's not enough that the Swedes who live in rental units are thrown out of their homes to make way for immigrants, according Wilhelmsson, who is a social worker in the department for educational and social financial assistance.

In a letter to the municipal government, he writes that the municipality should go a step further and use the right to expropriate to seize primarily single-family homes and condominiums owned by Swedes. The homes, the municipality must then give to refugees, he says.

"The whole community should join in solidarity to give received refugees housing and integration." the letter said.
Is that too much to ask, Sven?


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