Wednesday, May 4, 2016

I Will Vote For Trump But Don't Ask Me To Drink The Orange Kool-Aid.

The nicest thing I can say about the Trump cheerleaders is they are not quite as stupid as the Obots. But damn, there are some real similarities between the two cults. More similarities than either camp cares to admit.

I have never been an Ann Coulter fan but I will admit that she makes good points about the anti-intellectual, leftist mobsters. Her political analysis has always been, how do we say it politely?--oh yes, stupid. Only Mitt Romney can win. No one who has not held public office. It has to be a governor. Chris Christie. Then she finds Donald Trump and she got even stupider.

Howie Carr is a Boston-based radio host/author/columnist/questionable journalist and certainly a personality. He is the funniest man on radio and he is possibly funnier than anyone on television. He is media savvy and politically astute. Or, I should say he was politically astute until Donald Trump came along.

I can disagree with people over a multitude of subjects but when smart becomes stupid, I excuse myself. Carr wrote a column yesterday where he repeatedly calls Cruz a RINO (Republican in Name Only.) The term is usually reserved for Boehners or McCains or Romneys whose sympathies tend to lie on the other side of the aisle. CINO (Conservative In Name Only) might be more accurate but RINO has an existing homonym and it harkens back to a time when Republican and conservative were supposedly synonymous.

Trump is by definition a RINO. He is new to the party and he has amended a multitude of positions to blend in. Cruz is the antithesis of RINO. He is the last person on Earth who deserves that label. His has cred.

 My 20 + years of Howie Carr fandom has come to an end. I lost my respect for him. Alas, it seems that Trump, like Obama before him, inflicts stupidity on his followers. I hope it isn't contagious.

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