Saturday, April 16, 2016

New Contract With America: Submitted By The Spirit of 08.

1. Make "Reach Across The Aisle" the official motto of the Republican Party.

2. Replace the GOP's elephant mascot with a sloth.

3. Allow the Democrat-allied mainstream media to bash, smear, impugn, intimidate and attack GOP candidates without any push back, blow back, counter-claim or any other defense in hopes that the fourth estate might like us.

4. The GOP will lose a few key elections in hopes that the media will come to like us.

5. The GOP will lose a few key elections to maintain a balance of power in Washington.

6.  The GOP will ridicule all Americans who express concern about illegal immigration.

7. The GOP will ridicule all fellow Republicans who attempt to address fiscal responsibility.

8. The GOP will work to purge itself of members allied with the Tea Party movement.

9. GOP legislators will be educated on global warming by anonymous people wearing seal costumes.

10. Through minions and lackeys nd other confidential sources, the GOP will blame everything that goes wrong on Sarah Palin.

Thank you, Spirit.

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