Sunday, April 24, 2016

New Contract With America: The Saint Paul Contract

1. Get the US out of NATO.

2. Put Japan, South Korea, Philippines, et al, on notice that US troops with be coming home over a four month period.  Recommend that siad allies purchase military hardware from US defense contractors.

3. Eliminate all foreign aid including Israel.

4. Repeal NAFTA.

5. Eliminate the IRS and replace the income tax with tariffs on foreign goods and services.

6. Eliminate bureaucratic decree and demand that within one year Congress will  vote to keep or nullify every bureaucratic regulation now in effect.

7. Repeal Obamacare.

8. Repeal Dodd-Frank.

9. Audit The Federal Reserve.

10. Pledge Allegiance to the US Constitution.  If it is respected, hundreds more proposals will self-generate.

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