Thursday, January 14, 2016

Rest In Peace, Alan Rickman

A blogger has to be careful to offer condolences or otherwise acknowledge the death of a famous person. Before long, the blog is nothing but RIP's. You honor one and you feel slightly obligated to acknowledge the next one. As Yogi said, "If you don't go to other people's funerals, they won't go to yours." Yes but...

We lost a great one in Alan Rickman. For better or worse, Rickman will be remembered for his role in the Harry Potter industry and that means nothing to me. The casting powers that be made a great choice long ago and how can you go wrong with Rickman? For me, however, Rickman will always be an actor's actor, the character actor who often overshadowed the lead. There are no small parts and Rickman proves it.  You will be missed, Alan. What a career!

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