Saturday, October 18, 2014

Are Big Media And Hollywood Lining Up To Apologize to George Bush?

"Bush Lied. People Died." WRONG! Bush did not lie about weapons of mass destruction, including uranium that was likely procured from Niger. Iraq, so it seems, was a reservoir for chemical weapons. Saddam Hussein might have provided Assad with sarin and mustard gas as well.

Yes, the evil George Bush told the truth about Iraq which is more than we can say for every major news outlet. And it turns out it was not "all about oil." Did we see even a drop of Iraqi crude? Had it been all about petro ISIS might never have become oil barons and we would all be better off for their impoverishment. Don't guess Bush will get an apology for the oil piracy charge either.

Never underestimate the Hive's capacity for hate or their contempt for truth. Whatever talents you might possess you will never lie or hate like Ed Schulz or Al Franken or Sean Penn. Leave those pursuits to the masters.

Bush was a profligate spender whose loyalties seemed to be more with the Beltway than with Main Street. He expanded federal influence in an imprudent if not reckless manner. And W helped create a housing bubble and knew not what to do when it burst. But George Bush was also an honorable man and a patriot. We always knew that.

Anyone want to apologize to George W. Bush? Chris? Keith? Maureen? Oliver? Anyone?

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