Thursday, August 14, 2014

How Many White Rodney Kings Do We Never Hear About?

When the Rodney King story broke a younger, more naive version of this writer witnessed the videotape with shock and horror. I did not see a racial angle. I saw the LAPD caught in an act of sadistic barbarism. Kudos to whomever invented videotape. As time passed the media retold the brutality through the lens of racism. The implicit message was deafening. The Rodney King incident was tragic only because the perpetrators were white and the victim was black.

How many white Rodney Kings have escaped media scrutiny over the years? Dozens? Hundreds? Thousands? The answer the MSM will provide is "who cares?" If a news item cannot benefit the Barack Obamas at the expense of the George Bushes, there is no story. Hurricane Katrina coverage surpassed all hurricane coverage before and since because the media framed the story in the context of genocide. No politics, no story.

The slaying of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri is a tragedy and the ensuing cover-up is criminal. Hoosierman has been vigilant about posting police homicides at this blog. Truth is, we could probably post a white guy getting killed by white cops at least monthly, if not weekly. I am less focused on police homicides in the heartland because as brutal as they might be, they are not as threatening to the public welfare as the criminal hijacking of the DOJ, IRS, FEC, SEC, EPA, DHS and who knows what else?

Once more, the fourth estate is the story. They are pushing the principals offstage. Only so much limelight to hog. I briefly listened to NPR's "On Point" yesterday. Their angle is that Michael Brown was just one more victim of institutionalized white on black racism. I didn't stick around long enough to hear if they connected the dots to the Missouri rodeo clown or the resentment of a hate-consumed nation who cannot come to grips with Eric Holder and Barack Obama.

Sean Hannity is once more, Sean Hannity, He can put a stupid spin on anything. We should not jump to conclusions? Agree Sean, but as with the IRS Tyranny, an active cover-up does not equate with ignorance. And why did Al Sharpton go to Ferguson but not to Chicago? Maybe because the carnage in The Windy City is largely inflicted by civilians. Maybe because police homicide threaten the police obstruction of justice challenges the very premise of civilization. There is no shortage of stupid at Fox News.

Michael Brown's wrongful death is cheapened by the politicization of this event. The Left loves to talk about compassion but they only care about victims who can be used as political pawns. You can hear the mental gears grind. If this young man's murder can be spun into a George Bush/George Zimmerman/Tea Party/Rodeo Clown conspiracy and if it can be stretched out till November...maybe this innocent young man who the media never cared about can find significance in death. The boys and girls on the bus are licking their chops.

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