Wednesday, June 11, 2014

“So this looking down our noses at Tea Party people has got to stop: Chris Mathews

Again our friend, Chris Matthews, throws us a curve. He scolds Ronan Farrow saying we can't look down our noses at Tea Partiers.
“So this looking down our noses at Tea Party people has got to stop,” Mathews added. “They have a message, they are as American as any liberal is, and they are really angry at the failure of the system.”

1 comment:

BOSurvivor said...

I am not impressed with Matthews' change of tune. He is the consummate whore. He was a Clinton basher when he thought that bird would fly. He was a harsh critic of Bush and the US war effort. He led the charge for Obama as his star rose and he tries to find a life raft as the captain steers us toward the icebergs.

Matthews shows his cards with his comment about communism. According to Matthews the people of Eastern Europe were not fed up with communism, they were fed up with the corruption of communism. Let's file the "corruption of communism" in the drawer that holds the "rape gone bad" explanation. Let's focus on Matthews' belief--a belief held by arrogant, educated fools the world over--that there is nothing inherently wrong with communism. Communism just needs people like Matthews to run the show.