Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Obama brat burns her Obama T-shirt

Finally the youth begins to see the light but one might grouse that this young lady did not draw the correct conclusions from her bygone infatuation with leftist politics just the politician. She has determined that government is corrupt but this viewer is somewhat convinced that she, rather than believing that all governments are inherently corrupt, thinks the present US government could be reformed if only she and her good friends were running it. It's hard to imagine her or her age peers jumping on the Hillary bandwagon and they may be jaded enough to sit out the mid terms and even the 2016 election.


BOSurvivor said...

There is a radio show I sometimes listen to called "Ground Zero" with Clyde Lewis. He is on the dial on my drive home and when everyone else goes to commercial and I drive into his range, I check him out.

Lewis is all about conspiracies, etc. He is a more sensational, less intellectual version of Art Bell or George Noory. From his perch one would suspect that he would be neutral from time to time. Not so.

Lewis will apologize for agreeing with Newt Gingrich (I forget the subject) and will take potshots at conservatives in general. Should a caller say anything even a little bit critical of Obama there is a reflexive "It's not Obama, it's the New World Order..." or he's just a pawn, etc., etc. He doesn't have any trouble criticizing proper nouns unless the name Obama comes up.

We could say, that is Clyde Lewis and he is a bit nutty and dismiss all of his comments but there is something bigger that cannot be ignored. Like the t-shirt girl, he absolves Obama of any and all responsibility. It's the system. It's our government. Obama is a disappointment not because he exceeds all others in abuses of power but rather Obama is just like all the others. One more identical twin. 'Just like everyone else' is the Obot safety net.

For all of her attention-seeking, I bet if an election were held today, the textile arsonist would find greater fault in his opponent and she would still vote for Obama.

Hoosierman said...

Art Bell! I had forgotten about him. I used to listen to him on the way home from work. I guess if it were not for truck drivers and shift workers no would listen to people like Lewis or Bell.