Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Cenk Uygur, Professional Obama Ass Kisser, Dares To Glimpse At The Man Behind The Curtain

This is both frustrating and mind-blowing for several reasons. First, if I recall correctly, the "lead from behind" defense was advanced by Obama acolytes to describe the president's unclear foreign policy, especially in Libya. This might be a late post. We have both the White House and a writer for "The New Yorker" (is that a redundancy?) taking the credit and the blame. When this lame defense was ridiculed by just about everyone, it was somehow morphed into a "right wing" taunt. Another story for another time. Major frustration! Uygur learns seven years after the rest of us did, that Barack Obama was editor of 'Harvard Law Review' and never wrote a single article for any journal. Talk about living in a bubble, Uygur is amazed at this revelation. Finally, this fact comes to his attention after it appears in "Huffington Post." There are other revelations as well, that Uygur finally discovers. They finally come to light when a Yale professor echoes a million bloggers and is praised for his insight. Brilliance! Sheer brilliance! HAS CENK VAN WINKLE AWAKENED FROM A SEVEN TEAR NAP?

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