Monday, September 30, 2013

RIP "Breaking Bad"

The best drama in the history of television, a fifty or so hour movie, has come to an end. My opinionated opinion is that TV can do many things but drama is not one of them. It can do sports and it used to do news OK and it can do comedy...yes TV seems to be a comedic medium. But drama? Better rent a movie.

TV drama flowered with "The Sopranos." Unfortunately, this sometimes great show was uneven and concluded with a stupid finale that still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. That is the way of the better TV shows. Even the very best jump the shark tank after a few seasons. Not "Breaking Bad."

"Breaking Bad" is psychologically honest and full of surprises. With most shows, you know how they will end but you try not to think about it so as to be entertained at the unfolding events. I knew "Breaking Bad" would conclude at 10:15 and at 10:12 I was still guessing the outcome.

This is television's high water mark. I don't know if I will ever see another show like it. I salute Vince Gilligan and the entire cast and crew of "Breaking Bad." Thank you.

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