Sunday, September 22, 2013

Google Republican Party

I was wondering how this continuing resolution will play out so I went to Google News. Surprisingly, Republican Party was the top trending topic. I clicked on the link and Wow!

Link after link after link of fourth estate name calling as well the usual pat advice (Why can't you be more like me?) The media hostility is nothing new but the thermostat just got kicked up a few notches. NYT. WAPO. Slate. The Atlantic Wire. I guess Obamacare hits a nerve.

Meanwhile, Obama is back on the gun grabbing war path. Great news for red state Democrats. I guess if you can't start a war abroad you have to settle for a civil war.

I did not post a link because Google News link change all the time. But if you read this post while it's still warm, consider Googling Republican Party.

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