Tuesday, March 13, 2012

When Do Republicans Sound Like Obots?

When they discuss Marco Rubio. I used to like Rubio a lot more prior to Hannity et al getting all mushy with him. They get all gooey-eyed for precisely the same reasons that the press developed their "Big Slobbering Love Affair" for Obama in 2008.

He's young.
He's handsome.
He's clean.
He's articulate.
Oh, and he's ethnic too.

Rubio is also inexperienced. At two years in the Senate, he will have fifty per cent the Federal experience that Obama had when he was inaugurated. His executive experience is slightly broader than Obama 2008. He was Speaker of the House in Florida for two years and was a Councilman in West Miami. Yes, Rubio's resume is more impressive than the community organizer's but so is the resume of tens of millions of people.

There are several reasons why Obama is a failure but inexperience is probably the biggest cause for concern (although delusional thinking might be more significant.) If the Republicans nominate Rubio for vice president, his slim resume could be the ticket's Achilles' Heel.

I wish Fox News personalities would have a Chris Matthews moment where they admit the thrill up their legs. Then maybe we can move on. Rubio someday. Not 2012.

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