Thursday, December 29, 2011

In Defense of Ron Paul

I am not voting for Ron Paul (my 2008 choice) but I still feel the need to rush to his defense when he is slandered. Ron Paul is not and has never been a racist. He has delivered black babies and has spoken frankly about racism being the true motive behind our nation's drug laws. He supports the rights of unborn black children to be born. The term racist just does not fit.

Ron Paul mused that the American Civil War should never have been fought. In no way did Paul suggest that the institution of slavery should be preserved in perpetuity. But he rightly points out that every other country that once institutionalized slavery emancipated their slaves without resorting to a Civil War that would result in more casualties than all other American wars combined one hundred and forty six years after the stillness at Appomattox. If Brazil (and every other New World country) could free their slaves without bloodshed, why couldn't we?

I heard some "New Republic" employee connect the Civil War dots to form a Klansman hood. Once more, the MSM resorts to serpentine logic to assassinate the character of a good human being. The MSM really are evil. They really are.

Ron Paul is an isolationist. In no way does that make him anti-Semitic. And if you listen to Ron Paul, his position on Israel is more thoughtful and than one would think from listening to the talking heads. The US gives more cumulative dollars to the enemies of Israel than they give to Israel. So if the US cut off all foreign aid, Israel would be a net beneficiary. Point taken.

I know of Jewish people who have met Ron Paul and who hold him in high regard. I know of one Jewish man who traveled a great distance to meet his hero long before he became a household name. I think most people who meet this chap would easily discern the religion of his ancestors. This guy reported that Ron Paul was friendly and gracious and cordial. Go figure.

I have read Lew Rockwell for over twenty years and I don't recall him ever printing anything racist. Walter Williams writes for his website and I bet Rockwell knows from whence Williams' ancestors hailed. Predicting a race war based on Washington's policies is not to advocate for a race war. To state that gay advocates influenced what was reported about AIDS is not an act homophobia, it is a statement of truth that can be verified. Rockwell was and is guilty of failure to practice political correctness. I won't contest those charges.

The media once more display their contempt for truth, at least when truth does not support political correctness (which happens to be fairly frequently.) There are plenty of reasons to not vote for Ron Paul without inventing fairy tales to make one's case. Ron Paul first and foremost is a good man.

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