Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Our Organizer-In-Chief

The crumbs lead back to the Democratic Party. http://teapartyatperrysburg.blogspot.com/2011/10/democrats-organize-for-occupy-wall.html

If this leads back to the White House, and I suspect it will, it will show our president to be more clueless than we had imagined. Once you own the factory, you do not want to throw monkey wrenches in the gears. If you are inclined to such activity, you commit your acts of destruction while on the outside looking in. Do not burn down the castle you worked so hard to win. What's the point of conquering Rome if you are just going to hand it over to the barbarians?

In times of stress we fall back on habit. The president's habit is to organize people into groups devoted to inactivity. I am not trying to be snide. This was our president's chosen career. He devoted his life to uniting non-workers of the world for purposes apparently difficult to articulate.

Yes, habits prevail. But don't you sometimes wish that someone would tap our country's exulted leader on the shoulder and remind him that "Mr. President, you are now president," and he would thereafter act a little bit presidential? We can dream, can't we?

1 comment:

Hoosierman said...

Ed Rendel, not one of my favorite people, says they need to go home and clean up. He, as I do draws comparisons to 1968, and he notes when things turned violent Humphrey was damaged beyond repair. I'm not sure if this is deperation or just Obama's modus operendi-well it worked when he was in Chicago. Since he has gone on offense he has declined a little in the polls.