Sunday, September 10, 2017

Ballsy Jeff Sessions Announces Even More Inaction On Friday Afternoon On Eve Of Hurricane's Arrival

Time has confirmed what we already knew about James Comey: He is a crook.

We do not yet have red hand smoking gun evidence on Jeff Sessions but he seems to be on a Comey trajectory. If it walks like a crook and talks like a crook, we might not have probable cause to prosecute him, but we can send him back to Alabama. What is Trump waiting for to get rid of this slug?

If I have one legal lifeboat and MS-13 is on one side of the deck and The Lerner Gang on the other side of the deck, MS-13 sails away. This would not be as logically lopsided as freeing the Clinton Mob while crushing Martha Stewart but Lerner, et al, pose a greater threat to the rule of law than do hundreds of outlaw Salvadorans. Civilizations survive outlaws. Surviving the politicization and weaponization of law enforcement, intelligence, bureaucracy and perhaps worst of all, the treasury might prove impossible.

I am glad I not the only one who sees the obvious duplicity of Jeff Sessions. This from Christian Mercenary:

My business was investigated and when they found nothing in 2009, they moved on to 2010 and when they found nothing in 2010 and I was shutting down my business for lack of economic activity in 2011, they found something, or created something. I still maintain that I made every payment, filed every return, but mysteriously, they lost the last return I filed. I guess they waited to try and find something legitimate before they "created" a violation, but I could produce no evidence that I paid it, no canceled check, nothing. Maybe I did miss it, I just don't think so, but since I couldn't prove I paid it, eventually I did pay the required amount. Though they had threatened me with owing them several hundred thousand dollars, they settled for the $3,400 that I actually may have not paid.

Mr. Sessions, you have no idea the thousands of conservatives who were put through hell by the agents of Ms. Lerner. To give her a pass when there was no forgiveness on her side, when the most ruthless of tactics were used as a bludgeon by her and her agents, I cannot fathom your leniency other than corruption. This, sir, is what makes radicals out of the common man. This obvious double-standard for the rich and powerful against the common laborer, who struggles to pay taxes, who has their profits sacrificed to pay for the excesses of others can drive one mad. 

From Ace of Spades:

Trump DOJ: No Plans to Prosecute Lois Lerner

I don't know if this is Trump's call or Sessions' call or if it was made by subordinates and there's some doctrine of non-interference from political appointees that prevents them from doing anything about it -- but I'm getting very tired of the One Party Government.
Not even a special counsel to look into this independently? Nothing?
Was it all a lie? And if it was all a lie -- then what else can I trust?
If the Swamp turns out to have acted properly here, then maybe the Swamp shouldn't be drained, huh?
And hey -- good call on keeping John Koskinen in the IRS chief spot.
I mean, if this was all a lie from the start, then I guess this faithful civil servant should keep his job, right?

Frustratingly, a lot of Tucker Carlson types have befriended Sessions and simply cannot fathom that he might possess a flaw or two.  From Hot Air:

Something tells me that if Sessions had the goods on Lerner in any way, shape or form we’d already know it because she’d be under arrest. So at least for the time being, Ms. Lerner gets to keep on enjoying her taxpayer funded retirement benefits, even if we’ll never know precisely what benefits she’s receiving. Well done!

I think that is a sarcastic "well done" but I could be wrong. If Sessions had the goods on Lerner, she;d be under arrest? Really? Sessions has the good on several Obama Administration crooks perujring themselves and Jeffie Out Of Sessions has done nothing about them. Right Mr. Clapper? How about Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes and Samantha Power and their fellow thugs? Cue "Sounds of Silence". 

Did the AG convene a grand jury in the Lerner case? I remind the reader that this scandal was exposed by Lois Lerner's public admission that she and others treated non-profit applications differently depending on their political perspective. I am no lawyer but it seems that a recorded confession is a good launching pad for a criminal probe. 

Oh, and another crime that is easy to prove: data tampering. Hard drives just rotted live fallen apples under the tree. Got time to look into that one, Attorney Sessions? Didn't think so. 

I shall now belabor a point and I will do so in the future. Remember when all the idiot conservative pundits praised James Comey for (this punchline is a doozy) his unending integrity. Insert laugh track here. 

Now that stale routine is being reprised by the many fans of Jeff Sessions (Did you know that he is a man of unending integrity?) Hey Tucker! Get a grip! Your prom date is a crook!

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