Thursday, March 10, 2016

Is Donald Trump A New Kind Of RINO?

By definition Donald Trump is Republican In Name Only. When that term is tossed around talk radio or the blogosphere, it is never a compliment. The connotation is that a RINO lacks principle or integrity. Perhaps even worse, they are seen as lacking courage and resolve. The Doles and McCains and Romneys have done a wonderful job in cementing the RINO doormat reputation (Can you mix metaphor better than that?)

Whatever else one might say about Donald Trump's principles or his honesty or his character, it is hard to take issue with his courage or resolve. It is not insulting to say that he is a comic book figure. His every action is more suited to a six panel a page setting than anything we are accustomed to.

Trump's confidence is infectious. So too, is his passion. Like Ronald Reagan, Trump makes the listener feel good about himself and his country. Can you imagine the Donald traveling to Egypt to apologize for his country's very existence? A genuine love for the homeland is always advanced, no matter what is being said.

Passion and confidence are two qualities missing in other RINO's. Maybe if there were more RINO's like Trump, RINO would not be considered a derogatory term.

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