Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Top 10 Yet To Be Asked Questions In Republican Debates

Frustrated by the lack of pertinent questions in the first two GOP debates, this blog posed 50 unasked questions on September 19, 2015.

To the credit of the GOP candidates, they have addressed the ISIS threat and matters involving national security. Not that there isn't more room for discussion on the subject but the matters have not been completely ignored.

The first ten questions from that original list have gone unasked. So on the eve of the FBN GOP Debate, we pose them once more.

1. Do you prefer a strong or weak dollar?

2. Do you support repealing Obamacare?

3. Do you support repealing Dodd-Frank?

4. Do you consider voter fraud a significant problem? If yes, what would your administration do to correct the problem?

5. Would your administration proceed with criminal investigations involving bureaucratic and/or DOJ abuses of power?

6. Would you allow American citizens to own/possess/use toilet tanks that provide sufficient water to flush in an effective manner?

7. Do you prefer freedom of choice in light bulbs?

8. Do you support the prosecution of body part brokers who procure their commodity in an illegal manner?

9. Would you allow American citizens to play poker on their computers?

10. Do you support prosecuting state and municipal officials who provide non-emergency aid to illegal immigrants? (1/13/16: Perhaps the better question is should we criminalize knowingly providing non-emergency aid to illegal immigrants.)

1 comment:

Hoosierman said...

Amend point 6 to include all appliances. Energy and water use restrictions make some all but unworkable.