Sunday, June 28, 2015

What Happens When Voting No Longer Matters?

The will of the people has been nullified.

Voter fraud is pervasive and is rarely punished.

Bureaucracies make more laws than legislative bodies. Federal bureaucracies are supposed to receive oversight from Congress. Secret servers, private emails, destroyed data are tolerated if not encouraged if not promoted by the current administration. Bureaucracies are modern day robber barons accountable to no one.

The president has legislated through executive action. This particular president is especially hostile to the will of the people. His disgust at private gun ownership, a freedom that Americans love passionately, as well as his support for the ACA, a never-popular piece of legislation, are but two examples of  POTUS's contempt for the wishes of the populace.

Most significantly, jurists don't just legislate from the bench, they nullify legislation wholesale. It's not just the US Congress that finds its votes cancelled, it is also every state legislature as well.

Compounding the misery index is the lack of an opposition party. For me, this is an old issue. I stopped voting in the 80's not because I was apathetic but because I resented that there were no significant differences between the two major parties. I started voting again in the early 90's and was inspired by the 1994 Contract With America. I was less inspired by the content of the Contract and more thrilled by the instant term limits placed on members of Congress who had overstayed their welcome.

The rise of the Tea Party was a hopeful sign. Then Ayottes became Shaheens (as the moderate, common sense former governor caucused with the Guevaras) and Boehners became Pelosis. Is it sacks of cash or dirty pictures or were they really Gephardts all along just waiting for the right time to come out of the closet? I don't know.

I want to reiterate that I do not advocate violence or overthrow or even petty civil disobedience. I am too old and tired and lazy for revolution. As much as I hate to say it I will probably just accept my new masters in much the same way Western Europe has accepted her overlords. As long as the tyrants wear dress suits instead of a crown or a military uniform who will object to the bullying?

But not everyone is as passive as me. There are still plenty of passionate Americans out there and I don't think it's wise to provoke them. America is a powder keg and this administration likes to play with matches. The standoff at Bundy Ranch in 2014 almost triggered a civil war. The tension is still palpable.

Americans are not as sheepish as the Belgians or the Brits or for that matter, the Canadians or Australians. They will only be pushed so far. If you want to take away their God and their guns you should probably complete the latter before attempting the former. But you just couldn't wait to kick the hornet's nest. You just had to do it. You just could not resist your impulses. And then you light up the White House in the colors of the rainbow. In your face, Christian.

I sincerely hope and pray that this nightmare ends peacefully.

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