Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Obama In A Word

I grabbed this graphic from Pew Research via Town Hall. It blows my mind that people think of the compulsively-lying thug as "good." He is a bad president and a rotten human being. Rotten to the core.

My word of choice, one that is even more significant than "Dishonest" is "Narcissist." Once more, it all comes down to Barry's addiction to adulation. The SOTU was just a prelude for yet another series of pep rallies where "The One" will be cheered on by adoring worshipers. Yep, the latter day Jim Jones will take his new proposals on the road. I called that one. 

Personally, I see his childish need for praise (and yes, even worship) as pathetic. There is no part of him that sees himself as we see him: a political version of Spinal Tap. The buffoon who does not accept that his day is long gone. It is crystal clear that the most important drive in this empty suit's life is his constant pursuit of attention. It used to be funny. Now it is collectively embarrassing.

I bet there are a lot of words the Pew people did not list as options. 


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