Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Exhaling After Six Years

At some point Dems have got to acknowledge that BHO is a joke. He is not the second coming of Bill Clinton. He is not even the second coming of Jimmy Carter. This election is less about ideology or values than the acknowledgement that Barack Hussein Obama is a terrible president. The prank is over. This buffoon was never qualified for public office at any level much less the presidency.

The buffoon in question not only damaged his country, he also destroyed his political party. The Democratic brand is tarnished and we all know who did the damage. The Republicans will be running against Obama for decades to come.

This might not be as dramatic as 2010 but tonight will ripple much longer. I don't think Dems realize what an albatross they have around their neck. Does anyone think the GOP would take the Massachusetts governorship without an assist from Barack Obama? This is supposedly a deep blue state. Hello Governor Baker.

Does anyone think Hogan (who?) would win the governorship of Maryland if Barack Obama and his sour milk personality, and his arrogance and his conceit and and his ineptitude were not on the ballot? HOGAN WON BY 10 POINTS IN A BLUE STATE IN A RACE HE WAS SUPPOSED TO LOSE BY A LANDSLIDE!!! But....This was one of the few places where Barack Obama made a campaign stop. He sunk the ship for his preferred candidate. Assist to Obama.

Does anyone think Zeldin would defeat Bishop on Long Island without an assist from Barack Obama? There will be more Dem defeats to talk about in the coming months. We are still tabulating the upsets. This really was a referendum on Barack Obama. What a farce!

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