Friday, September 26, 2014

Holder's Resignation: Can He Still Claim Executive Privilege?

Attorneys General usually don't stay on for eight years. Even six years is a pretty long hitch. They might have an ideological ax to grind but usually it's all about name recognition and stepping up to the most lucrative legal opportunities this country provides. Holder is frothing at the mouth to cash some big checks.

The reason Holder held on so long is the same reason the embezzler never takes a vacation. Holder has dirty, if not bloody, hands. At the very least, Holder is guilty of contempt for Congress. He might also be guilty of perjury and obstruction of justice. He has been less than cooperative with Congress and someone in a high place squelched the Fast Furious investigation and sidetracked the IRS Lerner Gang investigation. Know anything about those things, citizen Holder?

Pundits have called Holder "Obama's Bobby Kennedy." How heartwarmingly fraternal. I suggest that a more apt comparison would be with John Mitchell, Richard Nixon's corrupt AG who ultimately served nineteen months in prison. If a Republican with a spine (oxymoron?) is elected president in 2016, Holder could be in as much trouble as Mitchell found himself long ago.

Bye bye Eric. Can't say I will miss you.

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